September 8, 2010


Wow.  I just realized how hard it is to get back into the swing of things whenever you get a mini-break or vacation.  Labor day just past and I still haven't quite gotten back into the swing of things.  My sister and her husband were visiting us from Brazil about 2 weeks ago and I STILL haven't the chance to really go back and clean the house how I'd like.  It amazes me how quickly you can turn a nice, clean and tidy place into a disaster area.  I always know when my sister is coming into town because my house becomes a post-office drop-off station.  This visit was not any exception.  As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've had so many newly purchased goods in my house at one time.  Since my little sister is pregnant and is living in a country where a can of Campbell's soup costs $6.00, I find humor in seeing her and her husband "stock up" for the trip back.  I really wanted to get the two of them something for the new baby, but seeing how they had bought out every baby store in the metro-Atlanta area, my plans changed.  I decided to make a poster for the new babe... too bad the poster didn't arrive on-time.  Oh well.  

{ Home on a normal day}

{ Home when Crystal & Jorge visit }

{ Poster for the new little peanut }