October 29, 2010


We had a pumpkin carving competition today and our team ended up winning 1st place with our "Burger" pumpkin.  The burger patty was made from cut styrofoam painted black, dabbed with brown shoe polish.  The fries are carved from the leftover pumpkin.  It was a quick and easy project that left people hungry for McDonald's.  Our company also had a costume contest today and I was a grape.  For future reference - it's really hard to maneuver when you're surrounded by a bunch of balloons.  

{ The Product Development girls as a bunch of grapes, a witch, and a chicken.  In the other photo, we have Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles, a doctor, Fred Flintstone, another witch and our company mascot }

October 25, 2010


Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending a friend's wedding in Raleigh, North Carolina.  The ceremony was simple, classic and elegant ... very Amanda-like, but what I will probably remember most from the weekend was the reception.  Your typical reception is usually held at some nice fancy venue - maybe at a hotel or banquet hall.  Some receptions are even held at the church or at someone's house.  Amanda and Mark had their reception at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.  I had never been to a reception at a museum before but I would have to give the experience two thumbs up.  The layout and set-up of the museum was very conducive for mingling and it was just flat out COOL!  When you entered the museum, you took the escalators to the second floor where drinks and appetizers were served.  You were also able to walk around the many exhibits and had the chance to learn new things.  Did you know that bats hung upside down (which is called roosting) to ease tired their limbs and for ease of take-off?  After cocktail hour, we went up another escalator to the third floor where there was dinner and dancing.  There was also this AMAZING cookie bar.  I believe cookie bars are more of a northern thing, but we should definitely try to bring it down here to the south.  The night ended with us waving good-bye to the new bride and groom as they rode away on a rickshaw.  The entire evening was a success.  Congrats to the new couple!

October 8, 2010


Don't you just love it when you get on google and learn something new?  Today would be John Lennon's 70th birthday anniversary.  I went on google's site and they had up a google doodle celebrating the famous Beatles singer.  If you click on the red play button, there's an extra little treat so if I were you, go to google and watch it today!

{ go to google }

October 6, 2010


I was on piperlime looking for shoes and got sucked into looking at all the cool necklaces they have.  If you know me at all, I'm not a big jewelry person but I do love my necklaces... especially the inexpensive kind.  I am really in love with the multiple chain and bundled look right now.


{ all images from piperlime.com }